
Downtown Heritage Perth Newsfeed - for automated News Aggregators only
Perth Historical Society's 'Trial of the Century' - courtesy Images InterAlia)
Theatre and Festivals

Perth has multiple events happening every month of the year. Planning a trip to Perth around any of these events can add to your experience of visiting Perth.

For many of these events, you will find many shop keepers and museum staff dressed in period costumes. Perhaps you might see a town crier announcing events on the street.

Two ladies in period dress, out for a stroll in Stewart Park during the Doors Open Event

Key events for the remainder of the year are:


- Perth's welcome to spring - the Festival of the Maples held on the last Saturday of April. In 2009, this 33rd annual event is on April 25

See the Video of past Festivals - produced by CyberSpace Industries 2000 inc.

Visit the official Town of Perth site for more information on Festivals

Museum Events

We have an award winning Museum in our downtown area in the Matheson House on Gore Street. See http://www.urbanmarket.com/all-about-perth/past/matheson.html for more information.

Museum Newsletter

The Trial of the Century

Who would have thought that during the demolition of the old Thomas Wright building in Downtown Heritage Perth, a workman would have noticed some mouldy old papers in the rubble. He took a look and decided they might be of some interest and took them to the local Perth Museum. The curator agreed they were "of interest" and sent them to the National Archives for verification, and then to the Canadian Conservation Institute for restoration and preservation.

What the workman had found was the personal journal of one Daniel Daverne - dating from the very first days of the Perth Military Settlement in 1816. Daverne was accused of peculation and abuse of his Government powers - but he was never found guilty or innocent of the charges. What the contents revealed resulted in The Trial of the Century - a mock retrial of Daniel Daverne written by Clark Theobald and presented by the Perth Historical Society to determine whether Daverne was a scoundrel - or - the victim of a conspiracy.

To read this story - see The Trial of the Century .... the 19th Century that is!

NEWS FLASH: Early 2009, CyberSpace Indutries 2000 Inc. will commmence shooting in Ottawa, Perth and Adolphustown to bring the story of Daniel Daverne to the big screen. Initially a 20 minute documentary will be produced entitled "Daniel's Journal" with a potential 1 hour version for TV being produced afterwards (depends on availability of "arts funding" which we all know is becoming very scarce.

Perth Happenings

Dapper Ian Doig  assembles the What's Happening in Perth information for you. [Photo by Munro Digital Cinema]

Here is handy guide to What's Happening in Perth. It is a double sided print
that can be tri-folded into a handy pocket guide provided by Ian Doig.
For other guides select "Shop and Dine", then "Pocket Guide" from the menu at left.

You might also enjoy this Studio Theatre News about the Studio Theatre in Downtown Heritage Perth provided by John Gittens - Perth Studio Theatre.

The Perth Academy of Musical Theatre has released its Latest Newsletter. Check this out for the musical theatre activities in Perth.

Event Calendars

There are many event calendars being maintained in Perth. Here are the main ones for your reference: